While we get into the topic of UX process into various design systems, we should understand the terms that are involved in the same. Conversion of a UX process design into a Minimal viable process would often result in a better understanding of the product service that is being targeted.
What is the UX process?
A UX process for design is the 5-step functionality flow diagram that helps users create the end product based on the qualities that are being looked for by the users. UX design process is also called Design Thinking.
Design thinking comprises of Empathizing, Define, Ideate, Prototype and test. All these factors help in producing a high scale, functioning system that will allow users to have a seamless flow of User experience.
What is the Agile Design Process?
An Agile design process, in the world of UX design, falls under the definition of bringing together agile software development to the interactive design systems of the product done by UX design specialists. The Agile team puts a value on the design system and UX role and budgets the time and cost for the same.
What is MVP?
Minimal viable process is the system that aims for finished production of products that are ready to be released. This system often comes back with the motto of Prototype and Learn. MVP products aim for a higher research and learning experience than or a market benefit.
How are they Intertwined?
There are many constraints that come in the road of building an application that emphasises on the user experience. Time and money being the two most exhaustive factors. There is another way around identifying the errors before the release of the main deal.
MVPs allow us to identify friction, errors and follies that can occur thus increasing business and customer traffic. MVP is often defined as the one thing that tells us what the customer wants.
Indeed, MVPs add value to the UX design by determining if it reaches the goals set by the company and if not, what goes better.
Let us say that there is a lack of clarity in a product and thus losing the users, the goal of MVP for business is to limit cost expenditure while fixing and analysing problems such as this rather than thrashing the entire product or worse, spending more than required for something that might fail.
Coming to Agile and UX processes, we can say that both processes revolve around testing, learning and bringing back viable feedback to corporate it into the main system to be able to achieve the said solution.
Although UX process and Agile process have different approaches by the UX designers, we can understand that the basis of this would be to identify and fix faults. This will fall under Service Design.
Incorporating Agile into UX process
MVPs are building small featured services with minimal viability that will help bring out the best features into perspective and understand what a wow factor would be for the advanced product.
The main question that arises is the fact that will users pay the same prices for a feature like the ones in the full build ones?
This in turn asks us a question whether the minimal quality adds to the efficiency or does the addition of externalities push up the price range? MVPs can be considered the bread and butter as they are the testing feature for the UX process.
The binding force that is Build-Measure-Learn is the source of inspiration in MVPs. It possesses a minimal set of features that is usable by users and cost effective by a margin. But as we adopt agile processes, we add a little Zing to the equation.
Agile processes will ensure quality and speedy production due to the repetitive testing of the product. It is beneficial and advised to trust your UX process based on the repeated testing to ensure a secure spot in the market during production.
Both UX and Agile process based on the same principles of using rapid feedback, making changes and producing it to the users and the loop continues. This has an immense effect on the cos efficiency as well time constraints by minimising the gaps in between.
By providing a basic work environment for the development of agile processes, we can incorporate the UX design into a well-functioning MVP that will provide the basic understanding of what a user needs and wants and make changes accordingly.
By creating a loop of this sort, we can Identify the lacks in the market and put the solutions on the table directly as an idea. Understand MLPs and MVPs better to be able to identify and target a problem and solve high value problems by converting UX designs to MVPs by incorporating Agile tactics.