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In this blog, we are going to talk about the main differences between user interface vs UX and some relevant information regarding this topic. But before that, we will take a look at what exactly these 2 terms signify.

What do you mean by the UX design?

By the term UX we imply what the user of a specific product experiences while using it. This process consists of improvement, as well as quality interaction between the user and all aspects of the company. In general, UX design helps to enhance the overall experience of the user with the products on services of the company.

What do you mean by UI design?

UI design happens to be the process used by the designers for building interfaces in computerized gadgets or software while emphasizing appearance or style. User Interface happens to be the full form of UI. It is concerned about enhancing the interaction quality between the software and the user. On most occasions, anything with a predominantly visual interaction method with users uses UI designs. It is actually a particular design asset with which the user interacts. This procedure enhances the layout of the product’s elements such as buttons, images, text, and other visual interface elements with which individuals interact.

 Main differences between user interface vs UX design

Even though UX design and UI design always overlap, there are some differences between user interface vs UX. Although they are closely related when it comes to product design, the roles served by them are different. When it comes to functionality, UX implies how things work while UI signifies how things appear. A fantastic product experience begins with UX which is followed by UI. Both of them are crucial for the success of the product.

1. Different focus

The most notable difference between user interface vs UX is that they come with a different usage for prototyping. According to a lot of UI designers, a prototype ought to be a hi-fi model. Nevertheless, the UX designers are concerned more about logic. Put simply, while meeting your clients show them the design created by the UI designer. While meeting the programmers, show them the prototype created by the UX designers.

2. Colors used 

There is a tendency among the UI designers to design prototypes using full color. On the other hand, only 3 shades are usually used by UX designers in prototype design, namely, white, gray, and black. 

3. Tools used

Designing images is vital for the UI designers. Hence, tools such as Principle and Flinto come with an advantage. InVision is likewise one option as well. On the contrary, UX designers are going to favor a wireframe since it helps to save time while making designing more effective. There are quite a few qualified prototyping tools – Balsamiq with sketch design, Axure featuring comprehensive functions, and Mockplus as well. 

While analyzing user interface vs UX, we like to mention the primary responsibilities of a UX designer and a UI designer.

Main responsibilities of a UX designer

• Convert the business requirements into a remarkable experience after analyzing them.

• Helps to map out the edifice of the journey of the user.

• Is concerned about the behavior and psychology of the users as well as design products or services which appeal to the prospective users.

Main responsibilities of a UI designer

• Is concerned about the appearance of the product such as texture, colors, form, and shape.

• Implements a visual hierarchy for helping the user regarding what to perform.

• Helps to fill the design with interactive and visual elements.

• Is accountable for making the website more responsive as well as intuitive.

Here, we will take one more final look at the primary differences between user interface vs UX design.

UI design example:

Labbler Music Community Interface

The UI is based on neutral gray shade which helps to establish a formal and casual atmosphere. It likewise balances all splashes of bright shades and graphics. Abundance of white space as well as the clean monochrome background sets the stage quite effectively for information. All things are tidy and have been organized carefully.

UX design example:


Everyone knows about the Zoom app at present. Zoom has made UX design extremely simple-to-use by offering 4 simple options on the landing page, such as schedule a new meeting, start a meeting, share your screen, and join a meeting. Once any of these options is clicked by the user, he will be guided to a new window. In this way, Zoom offers a UX design that is user-friendly. 


Let us hope that you comprehend the essential differences between UI and UX design by now. Even though these 2 go hand-in-hand, they are quite different. UX design happens to be more analytical and is rooted in human psychology and cognitive behavior. On the other hand, UI design emphasizes visuals – whether any product is visually pleasing. In case you happen to be a beginner when it comes to the field of design, it is advisable for you to try yourself in both areas. Practical experience in both these areas will allow you to comprehend which particular area is better for you and will also enable you to become a better designer.

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